Generate Passive Income for Early Retirement

By Joining you will get access to my stock and crypto likes, learn how to get started in Real Estate, morning Day Trade Live Streams, our Academy, and access to our private community of over 2000 other investors!

We More than 5x'ed our money in 2023 with Long-Term Investments!

ETH: Buy-In $800. Currently $2300. We are up 150%.
BTC: Buy-In $16,000. Currently $45,000. We are up 131%
TSLA: Buy-In $103. Currently $235. We are up 128%. I recommended taking profits at $280 for a 270% ROI.
VZ: Buy- In $30. Currently $42. We are up 22% with an 8% dividend

If you invested in my picks. You should have a beautiful portfolio and you should be up 431% on your long-term investments and should have 5+x'ed your money this year. Congratulations! And Lets get ready for 2024!




What's Included...

My Portfolio

Access my Stock and Crypto Portfolio. See exactly what I am investing in, how many shares and at what price point I acquired the investment.

Stock and Crypto Price Targets

Access a detailed list of Price Targets for stock and crypto investments. You will be able to see where I expect these investments to go based on particular variables.

Day Trade Morning Livestreams

Watch Live Day Trades and get help and information in regards to trading

Stock and Crypto Likes

Find out what I am investing in and what looks like a great investment for the future.